Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Object Type in Organization Management in SAP HR

Organization Management is based on object-oriented design that means in organization each object represents a stand-alone object with individual characteristics. Each object linked together by using relationship. All object characteristics like existence/relationship and other characteristics are maintained in INFOTYPE. When we create any object then system will give four digits numeric number which is unique number for that particular object.

       Following are the objects in OM

1)       Organizational unit
2)       Job
3)       Position
4)       Person
5)       Cost Center
6)       Task
7)       Task Group

Organizational objects and elements in SAP HR

Organizational objects and elements

When we create any object then system will give four digits numeric number which is unique number for that particular object.

Organization Management is based on object-oriented design that means in organization each object represents a stand-alone object with individual characteristics. Each object linked together by using relationship. All object characteristics like existence/relationship and other characteristics are maintained in INFOTYPE.  

Following are the objects in OM

1)       Organizational unit
2)       Job
3)       Position
4)       Person
5)       Cost Center
6)       Task
7)       Task Group

Organizational Structure in SAP HR


An organization structure is a comprehensive and dynamic model of structure and personnel related environment in your enterprise.

You define the organization structure by creating organization unit, position in your enterprise by arranging them in a hierarchical structure.

Process flow for Organizational Structure

1)      First of all you need to create a root organization unit
2)      You need to structure that root organization unit with other organization unit (Lower Level Organization Unit).
3)      Create position to represent individual work are in organization unit.
4)      Once you create the position then assign a person as a holder to that particular position

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Interview Question on Organization Management

1)      What is organization Management?
2)      What is element of organization Management?
3)      What is difference between Evaluation path and relationship in organization Management?
4)      How many cost centre we should assign to organization unit?
5)      What is root organization unit?
6)      What is simple maintenance and expert mode in organization Management?
7)      How can we come to know that position is vacant or occupied in the company?
8)      Can a junior employee report to many supervisors at the same time?
9)      What is difference between Job and Position?
10)  What are the infotypes in organization Management?
11)  What do you mean by task?
12)  How many structures are in organization Management?
13)  What is reporting structure?
14)  What is difference between work centre and cost centre?
15)  What are building blocks in organization Management?

Interview questions on Personnel Structure

1)       What is personnel structure?
2)       What are the elements of personnel structure?
3)       What is role of personnel structure in Time management and payroll area?
4)       What is employee group and its function?
5)       What is employee subgroup and its indicator?
6)       How is an employee in the HR Master data linked to a company to which he belongs?
7)       How do you categorize employee into groups?

Interview questions on Enterprise Structure

1)      Describe the structure in HCM?
2)      What is Enterprise Structure?
3)      Describe the levels in Enterprise Structure?
4)      Explain the purpose personnel subarea grouping and employee subgroup grouping in Time management?
5)      What is the basic difference between assignment and grouping?
6)      What is the highest level of enterprise structure?
7)      What is company code in Enterprise Structure?
8)      What are the personnel area and its function?
9)      What are the personnel subarea and its function?
10)  Can we assign a personnel area too many company code?
11)  What are the indicators defined in personnel subarea?
12)  What is the role of Enterprise Structure and personnel structure for time management and payroll?

Structure in SAP HR

There are three structure in SAP HR 

1)Enterprise Structure (Client,Company Code,Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea)
2)Personnel Structure (Employee Group and Employee Subgroup)
3)Organisational Structure (Root Organisation Unit,Organisation Unit,Department,Reporting Structure)

For entering employee personal data,allocation of an employee to the structure is first step.
Example: when we hire a person then we have to allocate him/her with personnel area or personnel subarea and employee group or in employee subgroup this will help to generate default value for payroll system.

Allocation of an employee helps us to understand few things like:

1)Where does employee work like what is his personnel area or subarea?
2)What is his position? 
3)Whether an employee is monthly salaried employee or hourly base?
4)He is reporting to whom?
5)In which employee group he falls? 

Personnel Structure

The personnel structure displays the position of an individual people in the enterprise as a whole.

The components of personnel structure are as following:


1)      Employee Group


2)      Employee Subgroup

Employee Group: Employee Group is a general division of employees. Employee Group defines the  relationship between the employee and the organization in terms of work.


The following are important function of Employee Group in the organization.

1)      We can use employee group to generate default values for data entry for example payroll area or an employee basic pay.

2)      You can use employee group to selection criterion for reporting

3)      You can use employee group as an entity for authorization checks

Example of Employee Group as mentioned below:

1)      Active Employee
2)      Retiree
3)      External

Employee Subgroup: Employee Subgroup is a sub division of Employee Group like active employee can split up into other category according to the status like trainees, hourly wage earner or salary employee.

Two character alphanumeric identify employee subgroup.

The following are the indicators which define employee subgroup:

1)  Grouping of work schedule so that you come to know which work schedule is valid for which employee subgroup.

2)  Grouping of primary wage type.

3)  Grouping for personnel calculation rule which controls the system process for employee payroll for example whether an employee should get his monthly salary or hourly paid.

4)  Grouping for collective agreement provision restricts the validity of pay scale group to specific employee subgroup.


5)   You can also assign employee characteristics in term of activity status, employment status, the level of education and training for statistical purpose.

6)   Grouping for time quotas allows you to specific the valid attendance and absence quotas for employee subgroup.

When we hire a person in our enterprise then we have to allocate him/her in the structure and this is the  first step for personal data.

You assign that employee in Infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment) which includes these elements:

1)      Enterprise, Personnel and Organizational structure
2)      Company Code, Personnel Area and Payroll Area.
3)      Organization Unit, Position, cost center and a Job.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Enterprise Structure

The below mentioned elements which define SAP Enterprise Structure for Personnel Administration:

1)      Client
2)      Company Code
3)      Personnel Area
4)      Personnel Subarea

Definition of Client: A client is an independent legal and organization unit of the system.
A three-character alphanumeric code identifies client in the system.

1) No data exchange between the clients
2) No access of employee data between the clients
3) No cross-client evaluation or access authorization
4) If an employee change from one client to another client then he must be assigned a new personnel number.

Definition of Company Code: A company code is independent company which its own accounting unit and it draws up its own balance sheet means we can say that all financial accounting, profit and loss statements are handling in company code.

Company Code represents higher level of the “Enterprise Structure” within a Client.

Definition of Personnel Area:A personnel area is a specific entity for personnel administrator and it represent a subdivision of company code. We define company grouping at personnel are level and that company grouping must be unique to company code.

Personnel Area has following function.

1.Personnel Area is a selection criterion for evaluation
2.Personnel Area is a entity for authorization check.
3.You must uniquely assign Personnel Area to company code.
4.Personnel Area allows you to generate default value for data entry like payroll area.
 Definition of Personnel subarea: Personnel subarea is subdivision of personnel Area. The pay scale and wage type structure and work schedule planning are controlled at this level.

 Four-character alphanumeric codes uniquely identify the personnel subarea. You define the regulations for employees at the personnel area and personnel subarea. These may be legal, contractual and company specific regulation.

 You must defile one pay scale area, one pay scale type and one holiday calendar for each personnel  subarea.

  Indicator for Personnel Subarea

 1.  Default value for pay scale are and pay scale type.
 2. Assignment of Personnel Subarea to a public holiday calendar and legal person.
 3. Grouping of Personnel Subarea for vacation, work schedule, attendance and absence type, time recording, time quotas.

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